Sales and Foot Traffic Light at Recent GemGenève Trade Show
Worldwide turmoil meant buying was more cautious at the May event.
The Trade in FocusWorldwide turmoil meant buying was more cautious at the May event.
The Trade in FocusThe country’s gemstone trade has been struggling after a multi-year armed conflict.
The Trade in FocusA new series on GemGuide’s Instagram gets a pulse on market trends by asking five members of the trade one question.
The Trade in FocusThe Turquoise Grading System could standardize the process of evaluating the gem. It has undergone review and development and stands to bring a good addition to the trade.
Featured ArticlesThe saltwater farm has restored a historic trade to the Sea of Cortez, culturing pearls in the Pteria sterna oyster in a variety of colors that never undergo any treatment.
Featured ArticlesAdding light sources can go a long way in photographing gems and jewelry, but it can also create blown-out facets. To help solve that issue, the column dives into diffusing light.
Featured ArticlesThe decline of the diamond market has slowed but continues on, while the trade struggles to understand what is required under the new G7 Russian diamond sanctions.
Diamond MarketExpectations are favorable for colored stones in Las Vegas, while a divergent market supports growth for parts of the trade, even amid store closings.
Colored Stone MarketWhether they seek it out or not, an appraiser testifying as an expert witness is likely. Here are a few things to expect and help prepare.
The Appraiser's Notebook