Category: The Appraiser’s Notebook

Copyright is Not a Right to Copy

An honest, upscale jeweler sends his appraiser friend the most recent password for accessing the GemGuide online. Not a big deal he thinks, as he has experienced numerous occasions with customers having copies of price…

Making the Mark

The practice of appraising has been exploding for more than 20 years, spurred by a small but aggressive group of trained valuators determined to make appraising a true profession. Seemingly, books have been published overnight…

Riding the C-Saw

Lets face it - most diamonds are sold based on a laboratory report. Ask the appraisal customer if they were told the color and clarity grade (and sometimes the cut grade), were based on the…

Rings Engaged to be Married

High Priest with a Torch If a goldsmith, without even the benefit of a ceremony, marries an engagement ring to a wedding band, this priestly act leaves appraisers little choice but to value them as one…

The Web Bests the Rest

No way. Not in a million years will the Yellow Pages no longer be the mainstay of appraisers promotional efforts. Welcome to the future. Lets face it. Appraisers do not have unlimited budgets for advertising…


Im So Confused Such a simple thing, yet it turns out to be somewhat complicated and controversial. At times it is a one-size- fits-all list of all the instruments the appraiser has in his or her…

High Marks

So, you've always dreamed of owning an authentic Lalique plique jour enameled dragonfly brooch with opal hind wings and eyes of demantoid garnets. In this desire you are not alone. It is classic jewelry at…

What a Revolting Idea- a Cover Letter

During the 1980s, a revolution swept through the jewelry appraisal profession and the cover letter became standard appraisal practice. It seemed that every course, seminar and book endorsed the use of a cover letter. Now there…