Author: Gemworld International

Diamond Screeners/Testers

The jewelry industry has a real concern for the impact of lab grown and treated diamonds. Selling just one, even if unknowing, can be damaging to that seller’s reputation and potentially a legal issue. The concern is…

Trending Club

Every year, fresh design perspectives and fashion trends pave the way for the looks that should fill your store cases. Here are the 10 most directional jewelry styles, colors, finishes, and motifs you need to…


Consumers are more aware of unusual and rare gems in the global market. This awareness is supported by high end jewelry designers using stones such as sphene. This fiery gemstone’s correct mineralogical name is titanite…

Dreher Carvings

(Five Generations of) Gemstone Animals from Idar-Oberstein 240 pp., 22 x 29 cm, 200 color Illustrations. Hardcover with dust jacket. English. $85.00 ISBN: 978-3-89790-507-8 ©2017 Arnoldsche Art Publishers   During a recent visit to Carlsbad, California for the Sinkansas Symposium, I had the…

Colored Stone Market

The June JCK Vegas Show largely fizzles as buyers are for the most part M.I.A. Big trends in colored stones continue to be Ethiopian emeralds, teal colored sapphires, mint, and most other garnets and neon…